VIPO内J-LOP4補助金事務局は、AnimeJapan 2018ビジネスエリア会期中の2018年3月23日(金)に、東京ビッグサイト会議棟6階にて、「『オンラインとリアル』北米アニメ市場攻略法」セミナー(無料)を開催いたします。
インターネット動画配信サービスの普及、eコマースやファンの集まるコンベンションの急成長により、第2の「アニメブーム」が到来した北米アニメ市場が、今後どうなっていくのか? その時、日本のアニメ業界人はいかに攻めるべきか? グローバルに活動し日本のアニメに造詣の深いスチュウ・リービー氏をモデレーターに迎え、現地プレーヤーから生の声をうかがい、理解を深めます。(※日・英同時通訳あり)
*「AnimeJapan 2018ビジネスエリア」は、3月22日(木)~3月23日(金)に東京ビッグサイト 会議棟1F レセプションホール他にて開催されます。詳細は公式サイトをご覧ください。(ビジネスエリアへのご入場には「ビジネス来場登録」が必要です。ビジネスエリアへのご入場は、出展社との商談、ビジネス目的でアニメコンテンツ情報の収集を目的に来場される方が対象です。事前登録期間: 2018年3月16日(金) 23:00まで。※会期当日のビジネス登録も、会場のビジネスカウンターにて可能です。)
「オンラインとリアル」北米アニメ市場攻略法 (※日・英同時通訳あり)[詳細]
◆パネル2:「リアル マーケティング ストラテジー」
【日 時】
2018年3月23日(金) 13:00〜15:00(受付開始12:30)
【会 場】
東京ビッグサイト 会議棟6階(605・606)東京都江東区有明3-11-1[アクセス]
【主 催】
2018年3月20日(火)13:00まで ※定員に達し次第、申込終了となります。
【定 員】
モデレーター | |
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Stu Levyスチュウ・リービー氏 (TOKYOPOP創立者、Producers Guild of America国際委員会長)[プロフィール] |
パネリスト | ||
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Crunchyroll Kun Gao氏 (Co-Founder & GM) [プロフィール] |
FUNimation Adam Zehner氏 (Vice President of Acquisitions & Licensing) [プロフィール] |
Right Stuf Shawne Kleckner氏 (President and CEO) [プロフィール] |
パネリスト | ||
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Anime Central Phillip Ward-Schmidt氏 (Director of Exhibitions) [プロフィール] |
Otakon Kimberly Merani氏 (Vice President of Otakorp) [プロフィール] |
Lynks International Yaz Noya-Collins氏 (President) [プロフィール] |
Tel: 03-6264-3578 / e-mail:
Stu Levy is an international entrepreneur, producer, director and writer. Founder of the pioneering media company TOKYOPOP, Stu is known for establishing the manga market in North America. Stu has produced English adaptations of many anime series including the hits Initial D, GTO, and Rave Master; executive produced the live-action feature film Priest; directed two independent feature films, a docu-reality series, and several music videos. Stu created and wrote the chart-topping graphic novel Princess Ai with Courtney Love, as well as the novels Juror 13, Karma Club and Sailor Moon, and is currently writing Nightmare Before Christmas: Zero’s Journey. He founded digital platform POP Comics and is currently involved in a major crypto/blockchain project. Fluent in Japanese and a licensed California attorney, Stu has served as Producers Guild of America (PGA) Board Member; International Committee Chair and founder; Online Video Committee Chair and founder, and PGA Producers Showcase executive producer. His philanthropic activities have included Japan’s tsunami recovery, projects with Make-a-Wish Foundation, and literacy advocacy. Besides speaking at numerous industry events and guest lecturing, Stu’s an avid endurance athlete, an amateur composer, photographer and self-confessed foodie.
Kun is Co-Founder and General Manager of Crunchyroll, the world’s largest destination for anime and manga, with more than 35 million registered users and over 1 million subscribers. As GM of Crunchyroll, Kun spearheads international content licensing, product, operation, monetization, marketing, and brand.
He brings 15 years of experience with consumer facing websites, including founding (acquired by Slide), and joining HOTorNOT. Kun graduated from U.C. Berkeley with honors B.S. in Electrical Engineer and Computer Science and B.A. in Applied Mathematics in 2004, and was a PhD candidate in Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon focusing on Database research.
Adam Zehner has managed Funimation’s Japanese partnerships for 13 years. As head of Acquisitions, Adam has licensed more than 500 titles, including such hits as Attack on Titan, Your Name, My Hero Academia, One Piece, Tokyo Ghoul, Fairy Tail and Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. Adam’s a passionate advocate for the power of Japanese creators and works to ensure their stories translate to the local audiences Funimation serves. Among his responsibilities are securing a strong pipeline of content for FunimationNow’s growing membership and green-lighting co-productions with Japanese studios. Additionally, Adam oversees the Merchandise Licensing Department at Funimation and has navigated the company’s sharp growth in sales and in placement of anime merchandise with major retailers in the North American market. During his tenure, Funimation’s home video and merchandise market share has more than doubled.
After graduating from the University of Texas, where he received degrees in Asian Studies, Acting, and Playwriting, Adam spent 6 years living in the Tohoku region of Japan.
Right Stuf is North America’s largest specialty anime distributor, primarily selling through e-commerce at The company also operates a publishing and licensing division under its Nozomi Entertainment label, and provides marketing and fulfillment support for other organizations and licensees within the market. Right Stuf celebrated 30 years of business in 2017.
Shawne Kleckner is one of the founders of the firm, and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering from Iowa State University. He is a prior recipient of the ACE North American Entrepreneur of the Year award, an Inc. 500 member, and has been featured in USA Today, Wall Street Journal, and Inc. Magazine articles on entrepreneurship. Concurrent with his efforts at Right Stuf, Kleckner previously served as Vice President/CFO of Century Software Ltd. and Senior Vice President of Intersphere Lasergames. Kleckner currently is a member of the board of directors of Trinlogix, LLC, a software company specializing in three dimensional modeling of financial and other data for analysis, and is President of The Des Moines Zen Center, a Soto Zen Buddhist organization. He also serves as an advisor for Anime News Network. Outside of work, Shawne is active in community causes for mental health and the environment.
Phillip Ward-Schmidt is the Director of Exhibitions at Anime Central / MAPS. He oversees matters involving exhibitions, venue negotiations, third party service acquisitions, future planning, and operational impacts of event modifications. He has been a member of the organization for over a decade working to enhance and provide interactive experiences between attendees and industry partners, and cement the anime industry’s footprint in the American Midwest.
Otakon is an annual convention held in Washington, DC celebrating Asian pop culture. Otakon was founded in 1994 after four Penn State students went to an anime convention and thought “We can do better.” Since then, Otakon has grown into one of the largest conventions celebrating Asian pop culture in the United States. Otakon has hosted guests such as Yoko Kanno, Masao Maruyama, Yoshiki, and many more, and has warm relationships with several other organizations including the Japanese Embassy to the United States.
Otakon is the main event put on by educational the non-profit organization Otakorp, Inc. Otakorp’s mission is to promote the appreciation of Asian culture through the lens of pop culture. In addition to Otakon, Otakorp, Inc. has sponsored events at film festivals and presents an anime move marathon for the National Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, DC. Otakorp, Inc. is proud of the fact that it is entirely run by a team of dedicated volunteers.
Kimberly Merani grew up in New York City. She graduated from Binghamton University with an BS in Cell and Molecular Biology in 2013. She then went on to earn her MS in Biomedical Sciences from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City in 2016, and is currently a PhD candidate at the same institution. She began volunteering with Otakorp, Inc. in 2011 as part of the Access Control team for Otakon. In 2016 she was elected to the Board of Directors of Otakorp, Inc., and was elected Vice President in 2017. In her free time, Kim loves to read and travel.
Yaz Noya-Collins is the president of Lynks International, based in Los Angeles, CA, USA. Lynks International specializes in introducing Japanese artists overseas, and provides its services as Project Coordinator / Concert Producer / Cultural Event Booking Agent / Marketing.
Ms. Noya-Collins moved to Los Angeles in 1997. She worked at Antinos Management America, where she founded TOFU Records and paved the way to introduce Japanese artists to the US market. Her projects then expanded to Asia, Europe, Mexico and South America. Lynks International has many partnerships in different territories which allows for worldwide projects.
Lynks International handles not only pop/rock artists, but also Japanese traditional music and anisong artists.
Ms. Yaz Noya-Collins and Lynks International’s goal is to expand these markets overseas.