VIPO is a non-profit organization and through the proposal of Japan Business Federation KEIDANREN [1], the inaugural meeting was resolved in 2004 and VIPO was legally established in 2005.
We cooperate with Japanese content companies and organizations to implement government policies.

VIPO supports the Japanese content industry (anime, broadcasting, character design, games, movies, music, publishing) mainly in the areas of Human Resources Development and Market Development to make Japan’s content industry internationally competitive and to contribute to the growth of the Japanese economy.

[1] KEIDANREN (Japan Business Federation) is a comprehensive economic organization with a membership comprised of 1,512 representative companies of Japan, 107 nationwide industrial associations and the regional economic organizations for all 47 prefectures (as of April 1,2023).
Source: KEIDANREN Website http://www.keidanren.or.jp/en/


VIPO supports the growth of the content industry through various activities that:
1. Develop networks and human resources beyond each genre of the content industry in Japan and overseas.
2. Develop and expand markets in Japan and overseas.